Custom Search

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Day 2

Another day.... I found some more PTC sites to sign up and view their ads.



I viewed all their ads along with the previous sites I signed up for yesterday. In total I have signed up for 8 sites.

Now one thing about these PTC sites is that the good payouts are from your referrals. So that's another reason for this blog. I took some time today to optimize this blog to hope for more traffic. I followed various sites recommendations on how to maximize traffic to blogs.

Here are a few sites that you might find of interest if you want to gain traffic to your site.

10 Tips for More Blog Traffic

40 Excellent Ways to Get Traffic to Blog For Free

After following the tips in the previous links I decided to call it a day.....

I'll be updating the links on the right with all my current pay2click sites I'm subscribed with.